Sunday, December 09, 2007

Earthjustice Praises Energy Bill Passage...?

What kind of a messed up country do we live in?

Apparently this new energy bill recently passed will increase the automobile standards to 35mpg in 2020. And Earthjustice PRAISES this? Are you freakin' kidding me? My 1996 Civic got 40mpg, I can get 40mpg on my Camry Hybrid. WHY the HELL is 35 mpg 13 years from now something to praise?

First of all, Toyota, Chrysler, and Honda all made electric cars at one point 10 years ago to meet California's Zero Emissions mandate before the bill got shot down. Meaning gas mileage was on its way to becoming a zillion mpkwh (miles per kilowatt hour - NOT gallons). But because the oil companies lobbied and defeated the bill, automakers had no reason to put more resources in to R&D of electric vehicles. Hence, no pure electric vehicles these days. The best we have are hybrids, which actually represents a step BACKWARDS in auto development. I mean, think about it: in the evolution of a energy efficient and clean automobile, shouldn't the hybrid come out first, and then the electric car would naturally follow?

But no. What happened was that automakers were actually able to skip the hybrid and went straight to the electric car. Oops! But wait! Doing so would ruin the oil companies and hurt the auto industry in the process. Can't have that. Back up, get rid of the EV's and make something a little more inferior that depends on gas like the hybrid.

Anyway, the energy bill is disgusting and should make people want to vomit for a number of reasons. Must I list them?

1. Why should it take 13 years to raise the standards of the automobile? Raising the standards to meet government requirements is a matter of legislation. Let the automakers sweat out the R&D with trying to meet those standards. It shouldn't take 13 years to pass a bill that everyone supports. Unless not everyone supports it (that's really at the heart of it)

2. California had a zero emissions mandate for a short time prompting the creation of very efficient and fast EV cars. Any reason why the feds can't do this? Basically, because if this occurs, then Dubyuh and his unctuous crones won't be raking in their record profits.

3. 35mpg. Are you kidding me? As I've mentioned, my 11 year-old car got more mileage than the "new and improved" standard. Is this supposed to be a step forward or backwards? If you want progress, then you introduce a standard like 70mpg by 2020, not 35. That's ridiculous!

4. 35mpg. Why are we even mentioning mpg? If these politicians (Democrats and Republicans alike) really care about what's going on they shouldn't even be mentioning "gallon". It should be miles/kilowatt hour, or miles for cubic cm (for natural gas), or miles per fuel cell, or miles per joules. My God, they're still talking about gallons of oil! That's like the country using the PC instead of Mac. Why are politicians making the country dependent on an inferior technology when something more advanced exists, works, and can be practical? Special interests.

This is a perfect example of how deeply entrenched oil companies are in the government and how insidious special interest groups can be.

To put things in to perspective, though let's make analogies shall we? Just to prove a point.

- In order to relieve congestion on the internet highways, new bill proposes the telegraph system to be implemented in 2020.

- In order to reduce the number of hate crimes, gang wars, and ethnic discrimination in schools, new bill proposes to segregate people of different races. New school systems to be in place by 2020. Inter-racial conflicts expected to drop to 0.

- New noise pollution ordinance: any car with booming stereo will have a screaching police car chasing after them.

- New smoking law permits smoking in indoor restaurants/planes/buildings to reduce atmospheric pollution.

This exactly how ass-backwards this new legislation is. Ain't America great?

"...from sea to shining sea!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Part of the bill is also to mandate a certain number of cars to run on ethanol. But guess who is behind the ethanol push? It's the oil companies, because they can make money from it. They are already putting huge sums of money into R and D. It there were pure electric cars, the oil companies are out of business.

6:05 PM  
Blogger V-Hume said...

That's it! I'm cutting up my Shell Gas Card.

10:48 PM  

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